Question of the Week
Yarn reviews! Anyone want to see them? If so, what qualities of the yarn would you like to see reviewed?
Question of the Week
Yarn reviews! Anyone want to see them? If so, what qualities of the yarn would you like to see reviewed?
Links to things I mentioned:
Question of the Week
Have you ever knit a project for someone else that really tried your patience (and love for that person)? If so, what was it?
Links to things I mentioned:
I lost my little slip of paper where I was writing down my links, so I am certain I forgot something but I'm not sure what! If you catch it, let me know.
The 500 Subscriber Giveaway is now closed.
Links to things I mentioned:
Question of the Week
Are there any demos/tutorials you would like me to do?
Links to things I mentioned:
Question of the Week
What is your favorite gauge for knitting socks? I knit quite tightly, usually around 8-10 sts/inch. Also, do you adjust your gauge to fit a pattern, or are you stubborn like me and you adjust a pattern to fit your default gauge?
Links to things I mentioned:
My knitting flow chart!
Links to things I mentioned:
Question of the week:
What do you like to do for entertainment while you knit? I typically watch videos on Netflix or Youtube, or listen to podcasts. Got any favorites to recommend?
Links to things I mentioned:
Definitely feeling like there's something I forgot to link - if you notice it, please let me know!
Question of the week:
Have you ever gotten a non-knitting injury that has impacted your ability to knit? For me, it's usually burning my hands out of my own stupidity. Got a story you're willing to share?
Question of the Week:
Knitting notebooks - do you have one? If you do, what kind of notebook do you use? I like to have a small notebook around at all times for making quick notes or sketching out a pattern, but I don't bother to keep the insides of that notebook very pretty. I also use the notes app on my phone to jot down knitting reminders.